Jumat, 24 Juli 2020


FRIDAY, 24 JULY 2020


JEREMIAH 3:14-17


I will lift thee the shepherds according to My Heart; They will shepherd you with knowledge and understanding.


At that time Jerusalem would be called the Throne of God, and all nations would gather there, in the name of the Lord to Jerusalem, and they would no longer act upon the abrupsion of his wicked heart.


JEREMIAH 31:10-13


Hear the word of the Lord, O nations, tell it in distant coastal lands, say, he that has scattered Israel will gather it again, and guard it like a shepherd against his flock!


They shall come Judah rejoice upon the Hill of Zion, their countenance shall be radiant because of the virtue of the Lord, because of wheat, wine and oil, because of the sons of sheep and oxen; Their lives would be like a well-diarated garden, they will not return languish again.


MATTHEW 13:18-23


Jesus explained the meaning of the parable of the Sower about the seed sown in the roadside, the rocky land, the middle of thorns, and the good soil.




The parable of the farmer speaks how the attitude of heart after hearing, reading or pondering the word of God?


Unfortunately there are still many Christians who do not want to hear, read the Word of God because they are confident in self-skills and believe that the principle of his life is best for him and he feels no need of God's word.


For those of you who argue like this, consider the following Word of God:


Proverbs 13:13

Whoever undermines the word, he will suffer the consequences, but who is obedient to the commandment, will receive a reply.


Gospel Reading Today Jesus reminds God's Word to be followed by a righteous attitude because if not, then Sia-sialah and will not know and understand the word of God.


There are some heart attitudes when hearing the word of God, namely:



To every one who hears the word of the Kingdom of heaven, but does not understandit, cometh the wicked one and robs that which is sown in the heart of the man; it is the seed sown by the wayside (Mat. 13:19).


Why not understand God's word?


There are many reasons, in general, only to hear the word of God when following the mass of Eucharistic, worship during ward meetings, etc.


There is another person who will hear or read the Word of God but do not intend to study Or Minister To him. 



The seed sprinkled on the rocky ground is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it happily. But it is not rooted and lasts briefly. When it comes to oppression or persecution because of the word, they are immediately apostate (Mat. 13:20-21).


Hearing or reading the Word of God influenced mood (= mood) that is again happy and joyful.


There are also people choosing the word of God that he loves because it matches his desired purpose.


This type of person is easy to apostate when there is injustice to the self and harm him so he suffers.



Which is sprinkled in the midst of the bush is the one who hears the word, and the worries of this world and the deception of wealth choke the word so that it does not bear fruit (Mat. 13:22).


Nowadays, there is a lot of heartbreaking news so that anxiety, worry is very easy to choke itself so easily ignore the word of God that he has heard/read and he has known.


Money and riches of the world are the greatest temptations for people who are learning to pursue and dig the word of God.


A journalist of the word or Evangelist, including the clergy does not escape the temptation of wanting money or other worldly treasures.


The commercialization of the Word of God occurs for earning money or the terms of the gift of love for having performed a reflection/sermon, or having served.



That which is sown in the good ground is one who hears the word and understands, and therefore fruiteth, there is an hundredfold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold (Mat. 13:23).


The type of person who really wants to learn to study the Word of God and decide to live in the truth of God's word.


This person chooses to obey God's Word because God has helped him and loved him and he has found the real purpose of living is eternal life in heaven and not living in the world.


Thus the parable meaning of the seed.


The question is how about you, which attitude of heart is currently happening to you when hearing or reading the word of the Lord?




The Surya Darma


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Dengarlah firman Tuhan, hai bangsa-bangsa, beritahukanlah itu di tanah-tanah pesisir yang jauh, katakanlah: Dia yang telah menyerakkan Israel akan mengumpulkannya kembali, dan menjaganya seperti gembala terhadap kawanan dombanya!


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FRIDAY, 24 JULY 2020   JEREMIAH 3:14-17   I will lift thee the shepherds according to My Heart; They will shepherd you with know...