JEREMIAH 2:1-3.7-8.12-13
I have brought you to the fertile land to enjoy the fruit thereof and all that is good. But as soon as you enter, you are the dismay of My Land; Mine land you have made an abomination.
The priests no longer ask: Where is the Lord? The people who execute the law do not know me anymore, and the shepherds are rebellious against me. The Prophets prophesied for Baal, they followed that which was useless.
PSALM 36:6-11
How precious is Your Faithful love, O God! The children of men take refuge in the shade of Thy Wings. For You are the source of life, in Your light we see the lights.
MATTHEW 13:10-17
Jesus said to be fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah the Prophet that the people of Israel had heavy ears to hear, his eyes were closed because even heard but did not understand, seeing but not responding.
The situation of Israel in the time of Isaiah with the situation in the era of Jesus works was still the same situation that the Israelites did not want to understand the word of God that was sent by the Prophet and delivered Jesus.
Mark 7:6
And he said to them, "What is Isaiah's prophecy about you, the Hypocritans! For it is written: this people glorify me with his lips, but his heart is far from Me.
What about the Christian situation of today's Christians?
With the naked eye look indifferent alias not care about the word of God for various reasons, even one assumes no need of God's word for relying on the principle of life that has been rooted in him since childhood gets the family of ancestral heritage.
Mark 7:8-9
God's commandment you ignore to hold on to the customs of men. " Jesus said to them, "You are very good at putting aside the commandments of God, that you may preserve your own custom.
Jesus said that people who want to hear will be given the gift to know the secret of the Kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 13:11
Jesus answered, "You are given the gift to know the secret of the Kingdom of Heaven, but not to them.
What is the Secret of heaven?
It is not explained in detail the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven but it can be known after receiving God-given gift to the person who listens to God's word.
If we are given God, a gift of the word of knowledge then we can know something that is happening even that will happen because God tells about it.
When we pray for others, with the gift of the word of knowledge we will know the illness, or something that happens to the person.
Please read 1 Corinthians 12:8-11 about the gift God has given us.
Therefore, let's open the heart and mind to receive the word of God so that we will be opened to the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven.
Don't be as hard as your heart
Don't close your mind
Don't rely on your strengths
Cry and listen to the LORD!!!
Jeremiah 33:3
Cry Unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shall tell you the great and incomprehensible things, which are things which thou hast not known.
The Surya Darma
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